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22 August 2008
Posted 23:00 by Les

Toynami's Cinemaquette is the
Ultimate Indiana Jones treasure

Two years ago I had the pleasure of attending the San Diego Comic. Imagine my surprise upon learning that Toynami (under their Cinemaquette brand) was going to produce a 1/3 scale Indiana Jones replica collectible. My jaw dropped upon seeing this wonderful piece displayed at their booth. Although only a protype it was evident that this was going to be a fantastic collectible.

Fast forward to SDCC 2008 and I returned to the Cinemaquette booth to ask how the piece was coming. On display was the final product and I tried to think up various scenarios as to how this one might come home with me in my suitcase. Turns out I didn't need to resort to such measure as I was told mine was being assembled now and would arrive shortly. All I could think was what a great year 2008 was turning out to be for Indiana Jones fans!

Three weeks later and a UPS driver arrives to Ravenwood with a massive 51lb box bearing the Raiders of the Lost Ark logo. It's a good thing the shipping crate has handles as we wrestled with getting it up the stairs and into the museum,

I carefully cut open the outer carton to reveal an inner packing box with styrofoam corner protectors. Removing those I slid the white box out and onto the floor.

With some very careful tape removal the white box has a fantastic custom Indiana Jones Cinemaquette storage shipping box (in a protective plastic bag). At this point my heart is pounding as I start working my way though the layers to reach the inner treasures.

The first thing you are presented with is the COA (bearing your edition number) with a replica of Harrison Ford's signature stating his endorsement of this museum quality replica.

Upon removal of that layer is the base and a well packed hand holding the whip. Also on this layer is the small color instruction & care manual.

The base was carefully removed and set atop a wood base that I had set aside for this very collectible 18 months earlier. It was good to finally see it all come together as I had pictured it so often in my mind. I removed that empty layer to reach the inner chamber and it's final treasures.

Indiana Jones is secured very well within this last compartment. Just as the instruction manual stated I removed the replica and placed him on his base with a pin that is in his left foot.

I couldn't resist touch his hair (that is so well styled and hairsprayed into place). His skin is eerie as it a special silicon that looks and feels like the real thing. The manual cautions to not touch the skin often as the oils from our hands can damage the replica over time.

Now it was time to inset his right hand and carefully bend the whip into whatever shape you'd like. I opened his holster and inserted his small metal replica pistol. I repositioned his jacket and shirt and completed his look by placing his signature fedora upon his head.

The final touches are to insert his replica notebook into his satchel and I placed his miniature pocket knife in his belt. I then had fun taking different photos placing his fedora at different angles on his head.

It's been a few hours since I set him up and I'm still a little freaked out by the fact that a miniature Harrison Ford/Indiana Jones now lives in our museum. It's obvious that the people at Cinemaquette have a deep love for their products and it shows. Their craftsman are top notch and their skill shines through in the final product. While the price tag is high these museum quality pieces are not intended for the mass market. Each is hand crafted to exacting specifications and the delivered product lives up to the promise of those museum quality standards.

Rating - 4.7/5

Available to order at Price is $2,000.


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